Client Success Story

Transforming Data Management and Analytics with Centralized Data Lakes and BI Solutions

The client

A US-Based Management and Consulting Firm Offering AI-Driven Analytics

The client is a US-based management and consulting firm that supports various industry leaders in effectively managing their business data. Their AI-driven platform transforms raw data into actionable insights. Business owners can use the platform’s sophisticated analytics engine to process and analyze large volumes of data and identify patterns, trends, and correlations that inform decision-making.


Challenges Faced by the Client in Achieving Unified Data Management

As the client operates across diverse domains, including finance, healthcare, and management consulting, it led to the inevitable challenge of managing volumes of unstructured data. Additionally, within each domain, data was distributed across multiple siloed systems, making it tougher to achieve a unified view of operations and systems.

Upon auditing the existing data infrastructure, we identified the following issues:

  • Data Silos : Varied systems at different locations led to inconsistent information.
  • Slow Data Retrieval : Lack of centralization made data retrieval time-consuming, impacting efficiency.
  • Scalability Issues : Existing infrastructure could not handle the growing data volume, limiting scalability.
  • Restricted Analytics : Inconsistent data hindered effective analytics and actionable insights.

To get a centralized solution that optimized data ingestion, retrieval, and analysis, they decided to seek professional data management assistance.


Critical Requirements for Effective Data Management

  • A comprehensive data repository to consolidate information from multiple, disparate sources
  • A system capable of automatically extracting and integrating data from various sources
  • Rapid data retrieval to support timely decision-making
  • A BI solution for advanced analytics and answering key business questions

End-to-End Management Support - Data Lake Implementation, Real-Time Ingestion and BI Integration

After analyzing their existing data infrastructure, we recommended a comprehensive data processing solution. This solution would compile a centralized repository of structured data (legal & corporate documents, client agreements, etc), integrated with a tailored BI solution for advanced visualization and reporting.


Data Infrastructure Assessment and Strategy

  • We conducted a thorough assessment to identify all the sources & formats of unstructured data (projects, meetings, inspection data, etc.) and integration points.
  • Our data experts then developed a detailed data strategy outlining the architecture, technologies, and workflows for processing this data and ultimately aggregating it to form a centralized data lake.

Data Management and Engineering

Once we had access to the client’s unstructured data, our data processing experts:

  • Checked for errors, inconsistencies, and irrelevant data
  • Deduplicated data, i.e., removed repeating entries from multiple sources
  • Converted this data into a uniform format and structure

Data Lake Architecture Design

We designed a scalable and flexible data lake architecture using AWS services, including Amazon S3 for storage, AWS Glue for data cataloging and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), and Amazon Redshift for data warehousing.


Real-Time Ingestion and Integration

Once the data lake was developed, our experts did the following:

  • Implemented data ingestion pipelines using open-source services like Apache NiFi to automatically extract and ingest data
  • Using Apache Spark as the data processing engine, they cleaned, transformed, and cataloged the ingested data, making it easily searchable and accessible

Business Intelligence (BI) Integration

As the client needed smooth access to structured data, preferably in visually comprehensible forms, we also integrated a tailored BI solution that generated informative and interactive dashboards. This enabled real-time data visualization and reporting, allowing the end users to get valuable insights into risk management, project status, working schedules, downtimes, etc.


Machine Learning Integration for Advanced Analytics

We also integrated Amazon SageMaker to develop and deploy predictive ML models directly on the data lake. By repeatedly analyzing business data (operational & consumer data and trends), these models enabled the end users to forecast business performance, identify potential operational issues, and uncover new business opportunities.


Data Security and Governance

To address the inevitable risks of handling and processing large volumes of sensitive, multi-format data, we implemented robust security measures, such as IAM (Identity and Access Management), encryption, and data masking. This security-driven approach helped us win their trust, leading them to sign a long-term data servicing contract.

Technology Stack

Data Storage

  • aws s3 simple storage
    Amazon S3

Data Ingestion and ETL

  • nifi
    Apache NiFi
  • AWS Glue
    AWS Glue
  • Apache Kafka
    Apache Kafka
  • AWS Lambda
    AWS Lambda

Data Warehousing

  • Amazon Redshift
    Amazon Redshift

Data Processing and Analytics

  • Apache Spark
    Apache Spark

Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics

  • Amazon SageMaker
    Amazon SageMaker

Project Outcomes

After implementing the BI-integrated, centralized data lake solution, the client experienced:

50,000+ data fields (per day) managed automatically

30% reduced delivery time for the end users

40% improved analytics engine performance, with increasing data accuracy rates (from 72% to 95%)

After evaluating their initial work, we were confident that we had found a reliable data partner. Their expertise in data management, BI, and machine learning integration allowed us to get and deliver deeper insights using the same business data.

- Client


Get Deeper Insights with our Expert Data Management Solutions

We implemented a robust data lake architecture, integrated advanced BI solutions, and employed a humans-in-the-loop approach to ensure our client gets precise and actionable insights even from unstructured data. Learn how you can also benefit from our comprehensive data management capabilities and real-time data visualization and reporting services.

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